Oct 5, 2009

Loco Roco 2: Throne of Mui Mui King

This is the location in the Mui Mui House where you will unlock the Throne of the Mui Mui King. It is located on the topmost portion of the house. In order to build it, you need the following parts:

1 Gorjan Stone
4 Great Horn
2 Pupi Weed
1000 Pickories

You can get the Gorjan Stone either from the Loco Race mini-game after playing it for about 20 times and winning 1st place or from the underground digger that appears when you quit or load a stage (the mine should be yellow / gold in color). You can get the Great Horn from the Mui Mui Crane mini-game. As for the Pupi Weed, unfortunately I could not recall where I got it and searching Google was not helpful. I will update this post once I get more information.

Once you built the Throne, the Mui Mui King would immediately appear sitting on it. All the while I thought something would happen, a new stage or mini-game would be unlocked or a new part in the Mui Mui House would appear. Guess what? Nothing! He is the King and nothing happened?!

Likewise, you may be wondering is he doing something special in the Mui Mui house? From what I am seeing, none! He just sits on the throne waving at the other Mui Muis. I think that is the reason why he is a bit soggy in the mid-section.

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